Now that the little one is on the way... the "telling" begins. Just when and who to tell when is the real question. My parents know... we actually told them the day we found out. My mother had an "inkling", so we ended up telling them. Besides some very close friends we haven't told anyone else yet.
When did you start telling the baby tale?
by Craving Baby
I found out on Sunday that I'm preggers... and I confirmed it yesterday with my Doc. So now what? The OCD part of me wants to immediately begin designing a fab nursery (don't worry I won't) and start shopping for itty bitty little onesies and booties.
What did you do when you found out you were preggers?
Posted in
baby cravings
by Craving Baby
OMG! I got my BFP! Sunday morning I took a digital test and got my very first BFP! I am so excited. I went to the Dr. this morning to confirm and will head back in a few weeks to do a battery of tests and a viability scan!
The Dr. said I am four weeks and four days along... due at the end of April.
I can't wait to start writing about "maternity"... graduating from TTC is so much fun!
~Craving Baby
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by Craving Baby
If you're trying to conceive and you haven't found Fertility Gal yet... or you haven't been to the site lately... you've got to go and check it out. The new design and look is fabulous. A little hard to navigate at first only because it is so different than it was before. There are now even more wonderful ways to chart and track your TTC and your pregnancy... and best of all it's FREE.
Check it out today at FertilityGal.com
Posted in
Fertility Gal
by Craving Baby
Hey gals. Sorry for the silence. I took almost a two week hiatus from "Craving Baby". Just trying to not stress while waiting to test. As of today it's been 32 days since my last period... and I think I see a very very faint line on the preggers test. It may just be my imagination... but my DH sees it to. So I'm thinking there's a good chance I'm pregnant. I'll test again tomorrow or Tuesday to see if I get a darker line.
Hope all the mamas out there in the blogosphere are doing great.
~Craving Baby
Posted in
Pregnancy Test,
by Craving Baby
I read this article last night and thought many mommas would find it interesting... "The Six Best Careers for Moms." My career has been an important part of my life since graduating college. I've worked to add a variety of skills to my services. I've proven that I am a creative, reliable and passionate professional.
However... now that I've decided I'm ready to be a mom... I really really want to work from home. As a freelancer I do get to work quite a bit from home, but some clients require that I work from their offices on certain projects.
I found the six recommended careers from Caroline's, Divine Caroline blog really interesting.
How about you ladies out there in the blogosphere. Are you work at home moms?
Posted in
by Craving Baby
Hey ladies! I am out of town for work right now but just wanted to throw out a huge THANK YOU for the comments on my last post. I feel much better about having these feelings... you've validated them for me and offered some great advice.
by Craving Baby
Woah. What a weekend I had. It was nice and relaxing right up until the end when I found out that my brother (younger) may be about to become a dad. He recently found out that his ex-girlfriend is pregnant and he might be the father (apparently there are a few possibilities... ewww.)
Anyway... I'm sitting here feeling sort of sorry for myself. This was supposed to be my big baby year and instead I just feel like a big baby myself. The DH and I haven't told his parents or my parents yet that we're trying... we wanted it to be a surprise. However, now I'm afraid that when we do get pregnant (if we aren't already) and we announce it to my side of the family I'm just going to look competitive (sort of a little habit of mine). It's probably stupid but it's how I feel.
The DH and I have done everything right. We've worked hard, we've built a loving home and we've planned so that when we welcome our bundle of joy into the world we'll be ready. Now I feel like that joy is hampered by my brother's, how should I say this... opportunistic ex-girlfriend. Neither have jobs, she already has one child and the situation just couldn't be worse (at least from my perspective). "I'm so mad I could just spit" (one of my favorite lines from the original Parent Trap).
The oh-so ironic thing is that if I am pregnant now (I'm several days past ovulation)... his potential child and mine would be due about three or four weeks apart. Arrghhh... this is painful.
So what do you think ladies? I'm a being a big baby or is it fair for me to feel that even though I'm not pregnant yet my baby joy thunder is being stolen?
Posted in
by Craving Baby
Well I've been very dedicated to completing my chart on FertilityGal and testing using an ovulation predictor kit... testing the "O". It hasn't showed that I'm ovulating yet... but of course the DH and I are playing the baby making game. The last two months we sticked to the every other day recommendation. This month we're trying every day. I guess we'll see what happens.
What about you ladies? How did you get preggers? Every day? Every other day?
Help a Craving Baby out. Send me your advice.
Posted in
Baby Dance,
Fertility Gal,
by Craving Baby
Hey there mamas. I'm a big Old Navy fan. Since I do most of my work from home I can dress very casually every day and prefer to not spend a fortune on my work attire... therefore Old Navy is perfect for me. Now that I am TTC I'm starting to pay more attention to the stores that carry maternity wear since hopefully I'll be stocking up on some soon.
I just saw today (on BabyCenter) that Old Navy is having a $1,000 maternity sweepstakes. You can enter to win every day between now and October 2nd! $1,000 sounds like a good starting point for me. LOL.
Check out the contest here.
Posted in
by Craving Baby
I wasn't going to write about little Caylee Anthony (the missing 2-year-old from Florida) because I wanted to keep my blog light and happy... but I just can't help it. Everyday the media continues to dig deeper and deeper into the case of the missing toddler and everyday my heart brakes a little more for this missing child.
[The picture to the right is of Caylee Anthony. She has been missing since early summer. If you have seen Caylee please call authorities immediately]
The entire story seems so "shady"... someone knows where that little baby is and I can't help but think the outcome will not be good. Wanting a baby so badly I can't seem to wrap my head around how a mother could not seem to want hers. The moms over at MomLogic questioned their readers today, "Is Casey Anthony a Criminal Mom?" While it's not my place to sit in judgment of this mother... it is so hard to not jump to the conclusion that she is in fact a criminal mom and worse a mom that didn't care enough for her daughter to take care of her properly, didn't care enough to protect her.
So now with the rest of the country I sit and wait and wonder, where is Caylee? Will she ever come home? Only God knows and unlike her own mother, God will never abandon little Caylee. Wherever she is, she is not alone.
Join me in saying a prayer for her and all of the other missing children.
~Craving Baby
Posted in
by Craving Baby
I know the TTC name for it is "Baby Dancing".... but maybe it should be the "Baby Making Game"?
I'm starting to think that I should make my husband and me jerseys to wear... we are after all active players in the "baby making game". Just like any other game there is preparation, thought and a victory on our minds everytime the big "O" rolls around. I have to say, it's only been three months and I'm a little exhausted.
God bless the couples that try and try for years with no success... it has to be agonizing. I am of course using the ovulation predictor tests and while it didn't work out last month I'm crossing my fingers (and raising my hips) that it will this month.
Hope all you mamas and mamas-to-be out there in the blogosphere had a wonderful weekend.
Posted in
Baby Dance
by Craving Baby
It's official. It's August 1st and as far as I can tell Christmas is next week. At least it feels that way. I woke up, looked at the calender and couldn't believe that July is gone and over and there are only five months left in the year.
So with only five months left I started thinking back to my New Years Resolutions. Sadly I couldn't remember what they were... must not have been that great to begin with. So moving forward here are my resolutions for the remaining five months of 2008:
1. Get a back-up drive for both my computers (that's right ladies... when the hard drive on my laptop crashed last weekend I lost everything... painful lesson learned... must back up).
2. Eat healthy and continue to take my prenatal vitamins every day.
3. Get preggers (I know I can't fully control this... but I'm sure gonna try).
4. Keep my office neat and clean (it tends to get really messy when I've got a lot going on).
5. Enjoy what may be the very last months my husband and I have all to ourselves (at least for 18 years).
6. Take a baby-moon or conception-moon this Fall.
7. Blog each and every day... not as easy as it would seem... but totally worth it.
8. Spend quality time with my girlfriends... they light up my life.
9. Spend quality time with my godchildren... they are tremendous blessings.
10. Breathe (this one might sound silly... but sometimes one forgets to just breathe).
So there you have it. My ten resolutions for the next five months of 2008. Oh... and just in case I don't get a chance to tell you all... Happy Holidays (You laugh now... but seriously... they'll be here before you know it).
Posted in
God Children,
by Craving Baby