Where Oh Where Has the First Half Gone?
Friday, August 1, 2008
It's official. It's August 1st and as far as I can tell Christmas is next week. At least it feels that way. I woke up, looked at the calender and couldn't believe that July is gone and over and there are only five months left in the year.
So with only five months left I started thinking back to my New Years Resolutions. Sadly I couldn't remember what they were... must not have been that great to begin with. So moving forward here are my resolutions for the remaining five months of 2008:
1. Get a back-up drive for both my computers (that's right ladies... when the hard drive on my laptop crashed last weekend I lost everything... painful lesson learned... must back up).
2. Eat healthy and continue to take my prenatal vitamins every day.
3. Get preggers (I know I can't fully control this... but I'm sure gonna try).
4. Keep my office neat and clean (it tends to get really messy when I've got a lot going on).
5. Enjoy what may be the very last months my husband and I have all to ourselves (at least for 18 years).
6. Take a baby-moon or conception-moon this Fall.
7. Blog each and every day... not as easy as it would seem... but totally worth it.
8. Spend quality time with my girlfriends... they light up my life.
9. Spend quality time with my godchildren... they are tremendous blessings.
10. Breathe (this one might sound silly... but sometimes one forgets to just breathe).
So there you have it. My ten resolutions for the next five months of 2008. Oh... and just in case I don't get a chance to tell you all... Happy Holidays (You laugh now... but seriously... they'll be here before you know it).
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