When Does the "Telling" Begin?
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Now that the little one is on the way... the "telling" begins. Just when and who to tell when is the real question. My parents know... we actually told them the day we found out. My mother had an "inkling", so we ended up telling them. Besides some very close friends we haven't told anyone else yet.
When did you start telling the baby tale?
September 1, 2008 at 6:21 PM
Oh the age old dilemma! I know it was hard. We waited 2 weeks to tell our parents (wanted to do it in person) and I told a few close friends immediately, the rest after we told the rents and then EVERYONE on facebook after my 12 week ultrasound. Just remember, God forbid this should happen, but for every person you tell, you have to untell if something goes wrong. I felt better telling the not so close friends after the risk of miscarriage dropped alot. But I wanted my close friends to know in case I needed support.
Good luck!