No Need To Test This Friday
Monday, June 23, 2008
I had planned to test again this Friday but unfortunately there won't be a need too. AF showed up this afternoon. Now we've only been trying for one month... so I can't say I'm too upset... but admittedly a little disappointed. Would have loved to have had it happen right away. The good news is that my body seems to be getting back on a regular schedule after having been on the pill for the past fifteen years. (I started taking the pill at 14 to regulate my period.) So I'll be logging into my Fertility Gal account this evening and adding AF to my calender. Better luck next month.
June 23, 2008 at 9:17 PM
You gotta comment back sometime!
Just to let ya know. I used one of those store bought ovulation kits. It's like a pregnancy test. It worked for us.
I'm gonna try to watch J&K+8.
June 24, 2008 at 8:29 AM
I'm going to try them next round.
Thanks for adding me to your blog roll on your site... your boys are beautiful!
~The Baby Mama