We've Been Dancing for One Month!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Good Monday Morning Mamas!
It's Monday, June 23rd and today officially marks one full month from the date I told my husband I was ready to be a baby mama. What a month it has been. (No baby yet... no AF show either. I'll be testing again this Friday for those of you that are curious.) In the past month I've spent approximately $40 on pregnancy tests and ovulation predictor tests, purchased the book What to Expect When You're Expecting, joined every (at least it seems that way) mommy site out there, my fav's so far are BabyCenter and Fertility Gal, started obsessing about when I'm gonna get the BFP (patience has never been a virtue of mine) and started this blog roll, The Baby Mama Blog.
Thank you to all of you that have stopped by and left comments on various posts... I really appreciate it. I love feedback and want to know what it is you're interested in. If there is a particular topic you'd like me to talk about or research for the blog... give me a shout out and let me know. For those of you curious about blogging yourself... check out Blogger.com. My blog is part of Blogger... and it's totally FREE to have one. I started with one of their templates and then using my design knowledge and tools like Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop went from there. I'm in the process of learning web design so that I can add that to my writing and graphic art repertoire. I've been having lots of fun with the design... but their templates are great places to get started.
Ooopss... I think I got a little distracted there for a moment... maybe I am pregnant... 'cuz that was a "pregnant brain" tangent to go off on. Thanks again for the encouragement and praise, I'm looking forward to writing this blog for a very long time. As for now, the baby dancing continues and I'll be testing again on Friday... if I can wait that long. As I said to my husband over the weekend... I'm either PMS'ing or I'm pregnant.
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