Very Faint Line... May Be Figment of Imagination  

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

So I took a preggers test yesterday (patience has never been a virtue that I posses)... and it might be a figment of my imagination but I think there was a very faint line. Here's the 411 on the test... it was a cheap one from Target. I took it late in the afternoon (I know... should test in the am when hcg is stronger), thought I saw a line but wasn't sure. A few hours later due to my heightened curiosity took another test and didn't see a line. So I waited, wondered and then took a test today. Nothing. So I'm guessing it was my imagination. If AF doesn't show by next week then I'll buy one of the more spendy electronic tests and see what happens.

See for yourself...
The top test is the one that is makin' me crazy. It's almost impossible to see... but it really was there (although it did get darker a la evap line overtime.) The bottom one is the test that clearly shows no preggers... there would be a plus sign in the left window if hcg was present.

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