Yey! I'm Going to be a Contributor to MommyMatter  

Sunday, July 13, 2008

MommyMatter is a cool new website that's all about what matters to moms! I am pleased and excited to announce that I'll be contributing to their site. I'll be posting their at least several times per month (my personal goal is a weekly weekend post). I just finished writing my first piece for them and will be sure to let you know when it posts to their site. The title of my first MommyMatter piece? Raising "Good Citizens of the World".

In the meantime, cruise on over to MommyMatter to check out what they've got goin' on. Of course you can always get to MommyMatter by stopping here at CravingBaby and clicking on their ad on the left side of your screen or the link on the right side under "Great Web Sites".

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