Did They or Didn't They?  

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

If you're following the story about the 17 teenagers that are pregnant at one high school in Massachusetts it just keeps getting more interesting. Initially many believed and journalists reported that there was a pact between some (but not all) of the girls to get pregnant and raise their children together as young mothers.

The reporter from Time, Kathleen Kingsbury, that broke the story appeared on The Today Show this morning with Meredith Viera to follow up on the story.

Just like the rest of us, Kathleen is now getting mixed responses from school officials and the city of Glouchester. Many are saying that there was no pact, that it's all just a big misunderstanding. Read Kathleen's follow up article here.

Regardless of whether or not there was a pact, the fact that 17 teenagers are pregnant in one high school is a huge number. I've heard that number is four times the national average.

What do you think? Did they have a pact or was it just the thing to do? Or is it possible that it's just an odd coincidence?

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