Thank You for the Support  

Monday, September 8, 2008

Yesterday it felt natural to me to write what I was feeling and today I thought I would share it with you. I have received many comments and well wishes both here and on the FertilityGal message boards. I am always amazed at how much comfort and support women so willingly give to those they don't know. Thank you to all of you for your caring words. It means so much during this trying time.

My heart is breaking as I say goodbye to the precious dream that was you. I will never forget how excited I was to tell your daddy that we had been blessed with you. Everyday that I believed you were with me my heart was full of love and joy in anticipation of meeting you.

May God, who has blessed my life with love and hope bring my heart peace and until you and I meet in God's Kingdom may the Lord hold you, my sweet baby, in the gentle and tender and loving hands that he touches my life and my heart with every day.

I loved you and I love you still. Always will you hold a special corner in my heart and place in my soul.

I release you to God and thank you for the joy you gave me... it was a blessing.

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