Welcome Weekend!
Friday, July 11, 2008
It's three minutes to five o'clock in my neck of the woods and all I can say is hello weekend. This week for some reason seems to have dragged on and on. If you read my "The Two Week Wait Begins" post this morning then you understand my current time struggle.
My fingers have been worked (actually they've been typed) to the bone this week and I can't wait for some down-time. No organized plans yet on what me and the DH will be doing except for a planned double-movie-date with friends tomorrow night.I'm hoping to finish the book I'm currently reading, "Chasing Harry Winston", challenge my DH to a game of Scrabble, give myself a home pedi and make it to a yoga class.
Hope you mamas all enjoy your weekend. I'm sure I'll be around on the boards and likely posting over the weekend... but somehow it feels different between Friday evening and Monday morning.
Happy Weekend to you all!
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