Great Price on Prenatal Vitamins
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
UPDATE: Two Lines On a Stick posted a comment on this post about the importance of taking quality prenatal vitamins. I absolutely agree. I have been taking this particular brand for one month and my OBGYN did not seem to have any objections to it. However, I was not aware that there are prescription prenatal vitamins. I will be calling my OBGYN to check into this. Thanks for the suggestion! Check out the blog, Two Lines On a Stick.
I've been taking my prenatal vitamins for more than one month now and next time I stock up I want to be sure I get a good price. I did a little online browsing and for those of you ladies out there that are Costco members they've got a pretty good deal available on their website. I am already taking the NatureMade brand multi prenatal so I'll definitely be grabbing these.
Nature Made Multi Prenatal Vitamin (300 Tablets)
$12.49 + shipping and handling
Buy them NOW at Costco
If you've seen a better price let me know!
July 1, 2008 at 10:26 AM
My doctor told me you are better off taking prescription prenatals because there is more folic acid. Mine were about $22 for 90 and I found out it was cheaper just to pay out of pocket than my insurance copay, which would have been $30 for 90. She said that prenatals were the one thing you shouldn't try to "go cheap" on because they affect your baby's development- brain, spinal cord, etc- and also your health during the pregnancy.
July 2, 2008 at 4:57 PM
That's a good point, but my OB/GYN said that the over the counters are fine (I am pregnant now) and you can buy over-the-counter folic acid pills that are really cheap and comes with tons of pills if you are worried about the folic acid intake...just my 2 cents...
July 3, 2008 at 10:13 PM
I didn't realize you could buy OTC folic acid! So that probably would be a better and cheaper way to do it than what I did. I wasn't trying to sound know it all-y. I just know someone whose baby had a spinal defect, and the testing showed that it was from lack of folic acid... so I am paranoid about it...