When Did Teenage Pregnancy Get Hip?
Friday, June 20, 2008
When I was in high school I couldn't tell you of a single girl that got pregnant... because she wanted to. It wasn't a badge of honor. Certainly not a right of passage. I guess I just don't understand... when did teenage pregnancy get hip?I was shocked to hear about the Massachusetts high school where 17 girls are expecting! According to multiple reports (both TV and print) at least half of the girls had made a pact to get pregnant... because they wanted to be young mothers and raise their kids together. OMG!!! What happened to pacts like... "Let's all go to the prom in a big group so no one gets left out."
Perhaps we should all give a resounding... "Thanks Jamie Lynn Spears". While it might be alright (and I mean this with definite sarcasm) for 17 year old actresses to bring children into this world... it definitely means a long road ahead for these other young mothers and their babies.
Did you miss this story yesterday? Read an article from Yahoo.
June 21, 2008 at 11:08 AM
Hey! Found you from Fertility Gal...I totally see what you are talking about...I couldn't believe it when I read this story...but about Jaime Lynn Spears...shouldn't we think about the media? On some level its good that teen moms are not shoved into a closet or sent off to boarding school...but then again the media just followed her baby bump like everyone else...it makes you wonder. I think it also shows how, even in decently wealthy neighborhoods there are obviously children who are neglected and needed to feel the love of a baby...too bad it comes with such a heavy price tag.
June 21, 2008 at 2:53 PM
Dear Legal Eagle,
You are so right... the media plays a major role in our lives... and therefore the lives of young women. Jamie Lynn is of course not responsible for the actions of these young women... but unfortunately with the help of the media her situation was somewhat glamorized and glorified. I hope the best for all the young moms out there (not just the Mass. ones) and hope that they're babies can have full and balanced lives. Thanks for commenting!
~ The Baby Mama