Here's a Question... Does Misery Love Company?
Sunday, June 8, 2008
We spent the weekend visiting some friends whose oldest daughter happens to be one of our God children. My husband and I have five between us (two that we "share). Each time we see our dear friends they ask if we are planning to have children any time soon. Well this time we couldn't contain our excitement and didn't want to lie... so we told them that we were. They were to say the least pretty darn excited. On our trip home my husband and I discussed whether or not in the case of parenthood... does misery love company? Do our friends want us to have a baby so that we can experience the overwhelming joy of bringing another life into the world (at least that's what everyone tells us) or is that they want someone to commiserate with about 2am feedings, dirty diapers and projectile vomiting? Perhaps it is a true combination of the two?
What do you think?
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