Conception-moon... Have You Done It?
Saturday, June 21, 2008
You've of course heard of a honeymoon (maybe even been on one) and you might have even heard of a "Baby-moon", but have you ever heard of a "Conception-moon"? Being the web junkie that I am I dove into researching pregnancy the very night my hubby and I decided we were ready to start trying. Little did I know that the information to dig through was gigantic. I was even more surprised (and admittedly excited) when I started reading about "Conception-moons".Put quite simply... it's a vacation you take with your DH (dear husband) or BD (baby daddy) to TTC (try to conceive). I know... all of the abbreviating can make you feel like you're stuck in one of those texting commercials... "OMG IDK my BFF Baby Mama!"
Anyhoo... I fell in love with the idea of a conception-moon... but word-to-the-wise it takes some planning. You can't just jump online and buy the best getaway weekend package you can find. A conception-moon must be strategically planned so that you are in your ovulating window while on your vacay. It's probably also a good idea to go somewhere with relaxing activities so that you can stay rested for lots of baby dancing and not be tempted to wear yourselves out to soon.
As for me... the DH and I have only been trying for a little less than a month... so I'm not sure a conception-moon is needed yet... but any reason for a vacay... even a short one, is a good reason for me.
P.S... have you taken a conception-moon in the past? If so... tell me all about it. Post your conception-moon story in the comments and if it's a good one... I'll re-post for all the other mamas to see.
June 21, 2008 at 8:22 PM
Wow! That's really neat!! I'll tell you what...we didn't have a conception-moon but we could have used it! TTC was soooo stressful and time consuming, it took us 5 cycles to get preggers...I am a little type-A so of course I was would have been nice to get away and concentrate on us...